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Our Youtube Video Blog Channel:

(3) The Clarity Horse Blog - YouTube

Our Videos star and feature our beautiful and fabulous "heart" horses for Sale, Rehome, Rescue and in Training. 

Parts of the Horse

Clare walks us through the most important parts of a horse that she believes any horse person should know.

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An Introduction to Clare's
Lifelong Endeavor

An Introduction to Clare's newest project: her Website, YouTube Educational Series, and her eventual E-book Series.

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Releasing the Inside Rein
on a Bending Line

This video includes: * Clare describing Legacy and the Morgan Breed in general * Clare discusses “Full Cheek” Bits * Discussing the Training and Schooling Exercise and Philosophy of “Releasing the Inside Rein on a Bending Line * Riding the Walk, Trot, Canter, and Free Rein Walk * Discussing Positive Reinforcement.

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Introduction to Dressage Work

This video includes: An introduction to: Damiro, Clare, and Fielding * About Dressage Horses * Warmbloods * Fitness and Conditioning * Tack: Leg Protection and “Crank” Nosebands.

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September 2021: Sale and Rescues

Clare describes and discusses her current Sale and Rescue Horses of September, 2021.

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Visit The Clarity Horse Blog YouTube page for more videos, updated monthly.


Have an idea for an instructional video

you'd like to see Clare explain?


Email us at

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