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What People Are Saying


Tori, Clare takes care of Nicholas, and she does a terrific job of placing, rehoming, and selling horses.  She will not let a horse go unless she feels it is a great fit. 


July, 2022


...You had a cute mare for sale, but I can't take a mare.  And was excited to read Jasper came your way,  but he's just a little too large.  Briefed thru your other photos as well as read up a little about you.  You've accomplished so much.  Just wonderful.   So I'll wait!  You will be my new go-to girl.......!

Clare.  Thank you so much.   Keep smiling.



June 2022


"Good morning,


...One of your social media followers nominated you for an interview with our magazine and we would love to publish you in our next issue. 


We work with artists, models, musicians, entrepreneurs, influencers and people making an impact. We are very selective when choosing talent for publishing and we believe your brand is a great fit.


If you would like to be interviewed and featured in our upcoming issue, Let us know immediately as we are closing out our selections for this publishing cycle, We wish you continued success and we look forward to your response. Thanks!


Blake  , V.P. of Editorial Staff"



"Hello again Clare,


We just received your completed interview questions. We congratulate you on your upcoming publication. We will send notification via email when your article is published and ready to promote.


We know that for both rising and established artists, positive media coverage is a major step forward in achieving notoriety and growing success in their career. We are happy to be a part of your journey."



March 2022


Clare, I just saw your excellent Blog on horsemanship which is very educational & very well done!! I am looking for one more good solid horse like Smoky that you had back in April!!  So when you get a moment could you call me! Thanks, 


Bill in New York

May, 2022


Regarding the "Brown vs Bay" YouTube video:


This was really helpful thanks. I have a test at where I ride horses and I need to know the colors of horses so this was much appreciated <3



April 2022


I appreciated your help finding Freckles a home! I like Sara and she is close by.  What great connection!

Thanks again!



April 2022


Thank you so much again for putting this together. You truly are an amazing person and a miracle worker. And if you need any help or anything in the future, please don’t hesitate to ask.



March 2022


As you know I've reached out a few times trying to find my next 'forever' horse. I'm happy to say I found a wonderful gelding I'm thrilled with. In my journey I am so glad to have discovered your blog. Your videos are a delight! I am enjoying them very much. Listening to you is like being read a sweet bedtime story. You sound like a beautiful person and I am glad our digital paths crossed! Take care.



March, 2022


Just discovered your website on via an ad for Orion. So disappointed I missed him. He was ideal - 16hh, dappled gray and a Foundation-type AQHA. I will now check your website weekly and hope another one like Orion comes along. So pleased by what you are doing. God bless you.  And, by your example, the hope is others will be inspired to follow in your footsteps.  


March, 2022


Thank you for all the love you give the horses!!



February, 2022


As usual you exceed my expectations!!!


Mary and Rosalina

February 2022


Hi dear Clare and dear Petaluma team, my name is Helena and I am from Germany. I just found your stable on google and your spirit and the compassion you seem to train horses with is exactly what I was looking for! Especially the fact that you rescue horses makes my heart jump :) ...Being around horses brings me joy and peace of mind.

Stay healthy and happy! 


 Best wishes from Berlin, 



February 2022


I volunteered for Clare's horse rehome/rescue group for a year, and her care and knowledge for horses is boundless. If you know someone who could use this opportunity, please let them know!


February 2022


Thank you Clare, you are beyond a pleasure to do business with!!!



February 2022


Happy to report that Clare found a wonderful home for Lina in Colorado. The woman states she has viewed the video and photos 100 times, she's madly in love with her & is looking forward to using her as a riding horse. She also runs a small breeding program and Lina has a home for life when or if riding doesn't work out.  I specifically chose Clare to represent me in placing Lina because I knew that Clare brought the ultimate integrity to the placement of any horse in her care.  I know from personal experience that she will not sell a horse to anyone that she does not view as a perfect fit, even if it causes her a financial disadvantage. 



January 2022 


Thank you for the beautiful pics of Zeus! I love his beautiful soul, he's incredibly gorgeous and I do think he's very courageous. I especially enjoyed meeting you and hope there are more reasons for our paths to cross. I know you no longer train, but if that were not the case, I would feel incredibly fortunate to train with you...We both spent a lot of time together because we make these decisions with heart and extreme care. I respect that in you so much. I know exactly what it means about your intelligence and passion for your calling. We know each other a bit now and hopefully, that will mean something good in our futures.

Thank you, Clare. 



January 2022


How is your amazing Zeus? Would he be safe for a beginner husband trail horse? So excited to learn about your program. We are in North Carolina and are looking for an extra calm horse to pair up with our 15-year-old trail mare. Thanks again Clare for everything you are doing for your beautiful horses.



January 2022


Hi Clare.  

Bitsy has been adopted! Yay! Meghan was someone you sent to me on Dec. 21.  Thank you so much again for all you do to help us rehome these beautiful horses. 

Lacey has also been adopted.

You can remove those girls from your site. 

I do have another rescue gelding that I would love for you to put on your website if you have the time...I will send you his pics and blurb tomorrow.  Thank you!

Hope you are feeling better and healing well.  Wishing you all the best.


Marjorie with Sundance Horse Rescue

January 2022


Though I live in PA, I continue to enjoy your e-mails and pass them along to someone who may be looking for their special horse. My four dressage horses, three of whom are retired, and my rescue pony are more than enough for me - though I am frequently tempted by one of your sale horses.


Best to you now and in this new year.  



January 2022


Hi, Clare, this is a student of yours from almost 20 years ago! When we boarded with you, I had an older Lipizzan gelding, called Bubbi, and a rescue Thoroughbred mare named PJ.  

You were very helpful, especially with PJ...

I have followed you and your business.  

I live in North Texas, and I have an 8-year-old unraced OTTB gelding.

I would like to help him find a home in California or a cooler climate.

I was watching one of your new blogs and I got the idea

that maybe you could help him...

I like your business model, appealing to all budgets and personalities

--- I think that is so great and rare to find. Good job!...

Thank you and fondly,



January 2022


"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Clare!!

  I hope you have a very good year to come! I pray for the best in life for you and all those fortunate to be in your family... . People and animals! 

  Love hugs and prayers are being sent your way, Margo"


January 2022


Thank you!

Lacey has been adopted! She can be removed from your site. 

Also had another adoption of a little neglected pony yesterday. He is going to be the guiding horse to a blind pony. It was a match made in heaven. He will be getting the care (and groceries!) he needs and will be a great companion to the little pony. These are all wonderful success stories and I am so grateful you are a part of our team and helping these deserving horses find forever homes.

Big hugs to you!


Marjorie with Sundance Horse Rescue

December 2021


A great program - you bring integrity; when I was looking for my

horse partner, you provided great feedback and honesty about

what was right for me. I was impressed. We need more like you!



 December 2021


Hi Clare! 


I just wanted to thank you again...You being the biggest blessing

for being willing to help me. So again, thank you so much!!

Hopefully, if I stay on track I will finish my Equine Sciences degree

by 2024/2025 and can give back to the Equine community as you have,

I will definitely pay it forward in droves.

It’s strong women in this field like you and your drive that

inspires me to want to help. 


Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year!!




December 2021


You make me cry!!  

Clare, I will never be able to thank you enough for choosing

us to be Mama’s forever family! She is such a love and she just

fills us all up every day!

I don’t know why you chose us but I am forever grateful!!! 


If there is ever anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask! 



December 2021


Hi Clare!

Omg, I feel so bad! I had sent you an email regarding your amazing blog, but I failed to push the send button, ugh!!!

It's amazing!! Your amazing!



December 2021

Sebastian is such a joy! Thankful for everyone and everything that led to him coming into my life.


November 2021


Thank you, Clare. You are an integral part of our organization and I am very grateful for you. 



Marjorie with Sundance Horse Rescue

November 2021



Your words were beyond heartfelt. I feel the same way about you and what you provide. I love working with you and will continue to do so always. Thank you sweetie for your kind words.

Betsy with Lost Hearts and Souls Horse Rescue

November 2021


Good morning! Dropping in to say Hi! I wanted you to know that I had the opportunity to talk to Sebastian's new mom and hear all about her and where she lives etc. She is truly the perfect, meant to be home for our boy. Thank you for everything you did to help him and make this happen!  

I am now thinking about finding a great pasture destination for my

Appy mare Sage and Pony Blondie. Or an adoption home with a great 

property for both. Do you know of any good places? Or do you think there 

is a chance I could find them a home together through you? I hope all is 

well and hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!


November 2021


I feel so happy knowing that I was able to be of support to you.

I appreciate all that you have done for me as well! 

Can’t wait to look through your new blog website. I know you have worked on these articles for many years. Excited to see it all come together for you in this project! 




November, 2021


Woah my position has gotten a lot better. Thank you, you’re absolutely amazing!


November 2021


Hi Clare, it was great meeting you yesterday and seeing the facility.  

I already had a good feeling about you but our meeting really re-affirmed that.

 I look forward to hearing your assessment of her.  Thank you so very much.



November 2021


Thank you Clare, 

I have to say you sound fantastic! 

On everything you do for the horses and finding the right home. 

I hope our paths cross one day.


March, 2021


Hi Clare,

Love your webpage and all your efforts to help folks find their horse partner...

I have been watching your page for a while. I like your commitment - and feel confident you have best interest in horse and rider.

Again, thanks!!!


January, 2021


Thank you for your tireless work placing horses Clare. You're the best!


October, 2020


Hi Clare,

Debbie picked up the horses yesterday.

She seems wonderful and I so much appreciate

all you did in finding them a nice home.

Good deeds will never go unnoticed…

You are a true blessing and I can’t thank you enough!



September, 2020


Hi! I just placed Soda Pop today with Jim and Elizabeth

in Vacaville - they lost their companion horse 2 weeks ago.

They seem to be a loving home and stable folks.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart, we have an open

invitation to visit anytime- he will be on a 2 acre pasture

with their mare and two open shelters - I will keep you posted.

Jennifer and Soda Pop

August, 2020


Hi Clare - that was really fun today!  

As always, thanks for your thoughtful & expert guidance/training. 

I’m learning a lot!

...It is absolutely the best riding I’ve done in a long time- you’re a great teacher!  Thanks for the feedback/encouragement.


August, 2020


Hello Clare,

Thank you SO much for all you have done! I knew I

put my trust in the right person! :)

And, I am very happy that Prince will stay with you at your barn.

He is a lovely horse and deserves the best!!




Good Morning Clare,

Thank you very much for your detailed message l got to

hear last night. So much appreciate what you do. A lady

with a lot of integrity and equine knowledge! Looks like he

will be ending up in the right hands. Lucky horse, thanks to you!


Have a wonderful day.



July, 2020


Thank you for everything you're doing! 🙂

I think Schatzi has really bonded with you Clare. It will

be hard for her when she has to leave

Not yet, but soon I'm sure.

Thank you for everything you have done for Schatzi.

We could not have found the perfect home without your help.

You worked hard and deserve every penny! 😊

Thank you again for all your help and hard work.

I appreciate it more than you know.



April, 2020


Clare! Thank you so much, James is adopting not only Remi

but Maggie my senior girl as well, thank you so so much!"



April, 2020



I just love your e-mails.  They always make me smile.  

The horse community is lucky to have you.

Kelly O

February, 2020


We found the perfect home for Kando.

He arrived at our barn on Monday, and left with his

new owner, the following Saturday.

He was a sweetheart, and did beautifully in my program at our barn.

Thank you for connecting him to me!

His owners are deliriously happy and relieved.

I spent tons of time with the mother and daughter.

Wonderful people.

I only charged them for board.

We got a $1500 Adoption fee, which will pay

half their current vet bills.




Oh my gosh Clare! What great news. A wonderful way to

end the year. Thank you for all you do for Serra and all the horses.

Happy New Year to you and wishing you all the best.


January, 2020


That sounds fine, Clare. Thank you very much. I appreciate your

kindness and your efforts and love for the horses...


Thank you again, Claire, for your generous contribution

of training this nice mare...

Thank you for helping make this happen and for contributing so much to this beautiful mare's future. I'm really feeling good about her.

God bless you and all those that you are helping. You are wonderful...


Thank you, Clare! I loved the video.

Lovely job you're doing.

She looks kind and certainly deserving of someone

with your sensitivity and skill.



(Proud new owner of Gemma)

January, 2020


Thank you for challenging both me and my boy!!

It felt amazing taking a successful challenging step forward in our training.

You are the best trainer ever!!!!


November, 2019



Hi Clare - saw Kim's place north of Lincoln on Saturday.

She has 75 acres and lives adjacent to her two brothers

and her dad. I met her stud (Kim wants to breed Fiona)

and think this will be a perfect fit for Fiona.

Have offered her to Kim and she’s accepted!

Thank you so much for all the hard work you’ve put

into making this happen. She’s going to a good home

and will have a useful life thanks to you!


August, 2019


Candy and Caramel have been rehomed. Thank you so much

for your help Clare! That went amazingly fast! I have updated

the other people that contacted me.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do for YOU!


August, 2019

(Candy and Caramel: Successfully Placed in just 1 day!)



Hi Clare, Miss India settled in faster than any horse I've worked with.

She loves her stall and has been making out with her handsome

neighbor Buddy. She's a doll and everyone is in love w/ her already.

Thank you for bringing her to me.

I really love her already.


August, 2019


Thank you so much Clare. It was wonderful talking to you today.

You do a wonderful job saving horses and making sure horses have good healthy homes.  

Thank you for caring so much. Hope to talk to you soon.


August, 2019


I really appreciate you so much. You have truly made this experience amazing. Thank you so much!!


August, 2019


You are sure providing a WONDERFUL service to the animal community. THANK YOU! I'm very glad to be on your mailing list. 

I'm full up with horses, dogs, and cats but still read every article. 


June, 2019


THANK YOU SO MUCH, CLARE !!! ... I am happy and sad at the same time, but, also, confident that GRIFFIN is going to a good, loving and horse health conscious home...Hannah is so sweet and has SO MANY around her to help her with Griffin...

she had the vet here at my house and he examined, wormed, vaccinated and ground down Griffin's teeth...THAT says A LOT : ) ...again I am tearful as I will miss his beauty and whinnying but not being able to ride him is THE reason to sell him...without YOU, this would not have happened, so I appreciate ALL you've done to help me make this happen

~ hugs and love to you, CLARE ~



May, 2019


​Hey Clare, I know it’s been a while. Just wanted to update you and let you know that Zia is the best horse I have ever had! 

She is everything I ever wanted and more- because of her, I’ve been overcoming my insecurities and gaining confidence 

as a rider. We survived the Camp Fire together and it only brought us closer. Thank you for working with me to make 

this mare mine! Happy Trails!


Jasmine and Zia

April, 2019


Hello Clare,

Thank you SO much for all you have done! I knew I put my trust in the right person! :) And, I am very happy that Prince will stay 

with you at your barn. He is a lovely horse and deserves the best!!





This makes it all worthwhile!

(Email copied word for word, no editing):


I'm sorry summer has gotten away from me but I did want to write and thank you ever so much for matching us up 

with your Apollo (now our Trouper). He is everything and more that we had hoped for. He is so sweet with my husband and takes such care with him. 

They look like real buddies in the photo below, don't they? 

And me, well it was love at first sight with me. 

We share kisses every morning!

I imagine he is missed at your barn but rest assured he is getting the best care and we are so happy to be 

able to welcome him into our lives. He's a keeper.

Hope you too are experiencing much success. You truly have a gift matching horses and their people. We couldn't 

thank you more. My husband has a kind, willing and loveable partner that has renewed my husband's passion for riding. 

All I can say is, a million thanks!

My best to you and folks there at your stable. 

'Trouper' is a wonderful boy inside and out and we're so happy you brought us together.

Best Regards,



August, 2015


Dear Clare,

Well!! this was one of the smoothest transactions I've ever had. Even with the added issue of weepy emotions, it was easier than the average trip to the grocery store. An exaggeration, yes, but you get the point.

I've been following your website for about a year. It's always fun to see your new horses and what they have to offer. They always look healthy and are well represented, so I was fairly certain Dominic would be in good hands with you. However, when speaking to you after he arrived at your stable I was so relieved and knew everything was going to be okay. Even if it had taken months for you to find Dom his Whitney, I still would have been thrilled. And it was really impressive when you asked about whether he had reining or pleasure training because you correctly assessed that he had some of both. Finally, after spending quite a bit of money on him in the last year, it was great you were able to get for my pocket. That wasn't the most important thing, but it was still very much appreciated. You don't just sell horses, you're their advocate. That's a big deal.

You are providing the Sonoma County horse community an important service. Thank you.


October 28th, 2013


The decision to sell my mare was an agonizingly difficult one and the prospect of handling that process on my own was even more daunting. When I brought my precious girl to Clarity Performance Horse Sales, I felt instantly assured she was in capable hands. Clare and Amy offer an exceptional blend of talent, experience, professionalism and skill. Further, they offer the benefit of a comprehensive network of contacts and know how effectively match a horse’s skills with prospective buyers.

Clare is a candid and talented saleswoman, whose love of horses radiates when she describes the horses under her care. Clare took the

time to acquaint herself with my mare‘s personality, studied her lineage, and marketed her skills honestly and brilliantly. Her unique

blend of equine knowledge and sales experience provides an effective sales formula. My mare was pampered, tuned up, beefed up, marvelously presented on video and in photos, eloquently described, and effectively shown.

Amy’s remarkable riding talent exudes when she presents the horses, whether on video, or in person. Her quiet hands communicate a gentle yet smooth touch and the horses respond beautifully beneath her. She provides outstanding care and keeps the horses worked and “tuned” so they look and feel their best at CPHS. Her contribution doesn't stop there … a self-taught web designer, she maintains and updates the “Clarity” websites at the end of her busy days.

The pictures are attractive, and the descriptions are regularly updated and refreshed.

Clare and Amy are a phenomenal and dynamic team. They are professional, reliable, competent, honest and work incredibly hard.

I am grateful to have benefited from their services. I feel confident that my mare’s placement in her new home will be the best possible match, under the best care, which gives her the highest probability of a life-long match in the right home. She thrived under Clare and Amy’s umbrella and they cared about where she was placed. I recommend Clare and Amy’s services unequivocally and without hesitation.



November 10, 2012


Hi Clare,

thank you for taking the time to let me know, (that Hot Shot has been placed).

Again thanks, and WELL DONE for saving such a splendid creature. So nice to know he can just graze away his time now,

and make some new friends.

best to you,


June 16, 2014


Thanks for letting me know Clare. I appreciate all of your time and your concern for Magic. Glad to hear he found his person.



April 25, 2015


(Discussing sale horse in training)

... I am very pleased with his physical condition. He is in excellent shape. His shoulders and neck are amazing. His coat is so soft and his rear end is down-right gorgeous. Just thought I would share that. ;-)

Take care,



April 16, 2014


Clare, you do a real great communication with the ability to fill in and develop a great mental

picture of a horse and convey to others. thank you...


April 12, 2014


You're so good at what you do! I know you have put countless hours into marketing your horses and making us feel loved!

Thank you for being you :):):):

Have a wonderful, well-deserved, weekend with your hubby!




April 2, 2014


Just a quick note to let you know how well Nika is doing. She traveled like a seasoned veteran--no problems at all. Went right into her stall and made herself at home. She is now fully settled in to her new digs. She loves her new neighbors and is clearly the boss mare over her gelding neighbors. I go out to see her nearly every day; we spend an hour or so together. She already recognizes me as her human--she greets me at her stall gate. She utterly loves being groomed--she gets a thorough currying and brushing every day. She is also enjoying her evening bucket of carrots, apples and Mrs. Pastures cookies. She is having a splendid life and I am so grateful that she is nearby so I can see her daily. She is a total joy.

All the best,



March 3, 2014


I am so, so excited--I can't wait to see my princess girl.

I will text you to let you know when Nika arrives.

Again, thanks for all your help. Am so grateful for all you have done for Nika and me.




February 24, 2014


Loved the videos--thank you so so much. Nika is perfect. Can't wait for her to arrive.

The way you handled her is exactly how I treat my horses. We are well trained horse moms!

...I cannot express my gratitude in words.



February 23, 2014


Thank you for all your help--you have been wonderful. Have to say that I am very excited to finally see Nika...

Again, many, many thanks.



February 19, 2014


Just a quick note. I LOVED the video of Nika that you sent. She is making such good progress--

watched it several times and then watched the videos from last year.

What an improvement! She's coming along great

--keep up the good work and give her a kiss from me.


Jacqueline-Nika's mom

February 15, 2014


Ok. I'm going to to everything I can to make this work. What type of payment options are you thinking? I really appreciate your flexibility, I've been horse hunting for months and you are by far the most polite and willing to work with my situation, I really do appreciate it. If/when we can work something out you don't know what I would mean to me. It's been 7yrs since I had to put my first horse to sleep and I've been trying to find the perfect one. But recently I've been do some intense shopping. Now I can't seem to take my eyes of Prima.

Thank you,


December 19, 2013



Hi Clare: He ("Danny") looks great and you look great on him! So sad I have to sell him, but I know you will find a great home for him! Have a great day,



December 16, 2013

Clare's reply:

Good morning Debra,

thank you!

He looks even better now.

Gained even more weight, fitness and shine.

He also behaves better every day.

What a good boy!

We love him!

Thank you for trusting me with him, and giving us the opportunity to know and work with him.

All the best to you and yours,



December 17, 2013

What a comfort to have you taking care of him-thanks so much



December 17, 2013



Just an update on our boy (Starry's new owners). I've been riding him in a sidepull and he got

his dental last Monday so he'll be back in a bit soon. He is probably

the best temperamented horse I have ever dealt with. So kind, so easy

going and yet really responsive and trainable. But I know you already

knew this. I will probably use him in a walk trot lesson on Saturday.

I found a Welsh Cob mare that I dearly want and would like to sell my

nice pony Hijinks to help pay for her and make space. Pictures and video

are still on my fb page and my bottom dollar would

be $2500 (after your cut). That's awfully reasonable, so if you come

across a possible buyer...

Happy Trails,



December 4, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family...!!!

I am sooooooooooooooo very thankful that I found you and Amy...

Lucky me,


November 28, 2013


Thank you for remembering what gives all of us joy--our horses and their health and happiness. Have spent the morning watching videos of Nika. Am so, so pleased with how she is progressing. It gives me total joy to know how much love and care she is receiving. She is thriving at your barn.

All the best to you and everyone at the barn on Thanksgiving.



November 28, 2013



Thank you for sharing the message from Dominic's last mom, it is truly heartwarming. I trust you know what a difference you have made in many of our lives, both two legged and four. You are appreciated and valued beyond words.

Thank you for my new love and for your invaluable guidance.

Warmest regards,


November 28, 2013



Happy Happy Thanksgiving! There are many things that I am grateful for and

connecting with you and meeting Dom are high on the list :)

Much love,


November 25, 2013


Hello Clare:


My name is Jodi. I can't believe I'm contacting you, but I was on your site and what you wrote hit me deep in my soul and speaks the truth for how I've been feeling these past couple of years about my beautiful mare, "Dancin". I have always had such very high hopes for the two of us together. Due to an injury in 2007 and subsequent bi-lateral knee surgeries and back issues ever since, I've never fully recovered and am very limited as to my riding abilities, now.


I've come to know that my dreams will never be able to happen for the two of us. She is my baby and it breaks my heart to let her go, but it's for her own good that I am contacting you. I can no longer be selfish...

Thank you for everything you do equine related. These horses need good homes and like Dancin, sometimes it's not for a lack of their current owner's interest, but due to their limitations that life has placed upon them. In my case, it's just heart breaking to let her go, but I know the time has come to do just that. I can't however, just give her away to any home. I must know she's getting the care and attention she deserves, and only the exact place she is meant to be, for her next journey in life. Something spoke to my heart while on your website and compelled me to write you. So, Im going with it.


She is the larger horse with black mane and tail in these photos. Please let me know either way if you are interested or not, so that I may research other options. You're the first person I've contacted.



October 24, 2013




Thank you for your time on the phone today I greatly appreciate it. I can just imagine how busy you must be. A few more questions for you when you have a moment please. No rush... Again please reply when you have the time. I know you are very very busy and I really appreciate your time and help.



October 24, 2013


Thank you for posting Nika's progress.

I can't say enough good about you and what you've done for her.

She's going the direction I wanted her to go but knew if I kept her she would not have gotten there.

Bless you Clare.




September 10, 2013


Hi Clare,


My name is Valerie Fox and I am the founder of Fox Equine Rescue & Rehab in Fremont, California. I have heard so many good things about your organization and wanted to see if we might be able to help each other.

I get a lot of requests for "good, solid trail horses" and would like to send them your way,

and perhaps have business cards I can hand out?

Anyway, my reason for writing, as you can tell from the name, I do horse rescue. I have a 10 year old Morgan mare, registered name PCR Princess Bambi. She is a dark, almost blood Bay color. She came to me as an ex-rodeo horse with a few months dressage training.


I also have coming up a 12 year old Arab/Saddlebred, beautiful mover. Trained as Hunter and Western, said to have good blood lines but I don't know much about blood lines. She has mostly been worked in an arena but I'll be working on trails too.


1) I know it's difficult, but with more information could you possibly tell me what you think they are worth or what I could ask for them?


2) would you be interested in helping me sell them? I prefer to save on boarding fees and keep

them at my ranch in Fremont, but open to other possibilities.

Thanks in advance,


Valerie Fox

Fox Equine Rescue & Rehabilitation

August 25, 2013


Just touching bases. Was checking out your website--I do that once or twice a week to see the new horses and who has been sold.

Was going through the list of sold horses.

Girl, you guys have sold a ton of horses!!!

It is amazing to go over the list.

Am so happy for your success.

Was talking about Nika w/my co-workers today--was such the proud mom.

She is just so so pretty and I love the way she is built and how she moves.

Can't wait to come up and see her!


August 13, 2013



I am thrilled that you are interested, and alternatively I am very impressed with your program

that gives horses a better chance at forever homes!


Rjosa is at least 15hh, and I think closer to 15.2hh...

Let me know what you think and THANKS again! :)



August 12, 2013



Loved, loved, loved the video. Am sooo pleased with how Nika is moving. Just love that she so calm and relaxed. She is moving great--but the real achievement is her relaxed state. You are doing exactly what needs to be done. Building her confidence so that she is calm and relaxed in her work is the foundation to everything. Most people rush too fast and jump ahead to "tricks"--and that is the exact opposite of the philosophy of dressage. What you are doing with our Princess is perfect. I could not be more pleased.


June 1, 2013



Thank you! Korri did look really good. I'm thrilled and honored that you think I am riding like you! That is the ultimate compliment!!!!!! You are amazing and l loved re-watching the Fancy videos. I definitely miss watching you ride. You were so spectacular to watch!!! Xoxo"


Amy Savage

May 25, 2013



Hi Clare,

... things with Corona are going great and we are bonding wonderfully. I have just started jumping very small cross bars and have a more experienced/sophisticated rider than myself riding him once a week just to keep him tuned up.


He is very happy and gets lots of attention. My girls now are riding him too which is a big adjustment from their horse and pony. His movement is so much bigger. It's weird to get back on their horses now after riding Corona. They feel so tiny.


Thanks Clare, Corona is a great fit for me and I love him dearly. In fact I just got a new trailer last night to accommodate him.




May 22, 2013



I am so, so thrilled that Nika is coming along nicely. I am a great believer in slow progress, tiny steps. Nika needs time to process and accept all that has changed in her life so that she can accept her present life with confidence and joy. I am ever so grateful that you are taking your time with her. I am not in a rush for her to do or accomplish anything in a competitive way. I am totally satisfied if she comes out of her stall happy and looking forward to her work and goes back in her stall relaxed and pleased with herself. The work you are doing now is so, so important-- it is laying the foundation for the rest of Nika's life. I cannot thank you enough for all the TLC you give her; I can tell that she is getting a lot of love from you. She must be one happy girl.

FYI-- I printed up a couple of the pictures of Nika that you sent me; they are on my desk at work so I can look at her throughout the day. I get such joy from looking at her.

Hope you have a great day!



April 20, 2013



Hello Clare: I had a very pleasant experience with you when I was helping a friend look for a new horse last year. Although, the horse wasn't quite the right fit, I was impressed your professionalism and integrity.

I wanted to feel out whether you would be interested in brokering the sale of a Tennessee Walking horse... 


April 9, 2013



Hello Clare - Thank you for sending me the pictures of this adorable lamb. So sweet. I don't know if you remember, but I bought Keno from you last year, and I have always read your emails, and kept up on your continued success. Keno is doing really well... I have had a dressage trainer keeping Keno in shape. He is making a fine dressage horse.

I wish you well, and keep up with all your success.



April 7, 2013



Hi Clare,

We are doing great and of course everyone loves this big boy (Corona). I had my first lesson yesterday and am going out to practice this afternoon and take another lesson tomorrow. He is a dream come true.

Thanks So Much,


April 2, 2013



My daughter Paige has been diagnosed with a disabling and chronic illness that will require long term antibiotic treatment. She is bedridden and unable to attend school at this time.

We have fallen in love with Korri. Sadly we cannot keep him and must find him a loving home. I must concentrate all my energy to taking care of Paige...

We need your help. He has been a gentleman and patient with Paige as they have gotten to know one another. Do you have room in your barn to take him back in and help sell him?? I trust you and do not know what else to do.

I have the pre-vet examination on Korri, (from his purchase 2 months prior), which was clean and very articulate as you know. He is getting new shoes this week and been wormed.

I look forward to hearing from you,




March 19, 2013


Hi Clare. I really enjoyed visiting with you, Nika and all the farm family. I really think a lot of you :-) ...Thank you for everything that you do to better the lives of our precious animals. Sincerely,



March 18, 2013



Hi Clare, the ad is so perfect and wonderful!! (Nika)... Thank you Thank you Thank you !!! :)



March 17,2013



Thanks Clare!

He made it safely to Utah. The lady at the new stables absolutely loves him!!! She sent me a message as soon as he arrived and was just delighted with how sweet he is.

I finally get to meet him on Friday!!!

Thanks again,


March 12, 2013




Thank you for your kind words and for accommodating my visit on such short notice. I am confident Livette will love him and (he) will exceed her expectations.

It was a pleasure to visit your facility, hopefully we can keep in touch for the future.



March 12, 2013



Hello Clare!

I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that Beau is fitting in beautifully! I took him on the first trail ride today and he was AWESOME – def. moved out more than I thought he would which was a nice surprise (I know, just like you said J)

We did bridges, creeks, rocks, hills, culverts, parking lots with LOTS of action – all sorts of stuff and he was perfect...

Thank you J He is the horse of my dreams.




February 25, 2013



Hi Clare!

I've had great success with your suggestion after just one ride! Brilliant!

I'm starting to research stables in Marin (closer to sf the better for now!). Any recommendations? Thank you!



February 4, 2013



Just want to say thank you again - what a breath of fresh air. I appreciate your directness and guidance so much! Many thanks :)



January 31, 2013



Hi Clare, Thanks so much for the phone call and I can't tell you how thrilled I am with your straight forward and honest answers. EVEN though it was not what I wanted to hear I so appreciate it. You told me of a horse, Mandate, that Lisa has and I would love to get the contact info for him. I will continue to check your web page for new and up coming horses as I would really like to do business with you as unfortunately, I don't often see the honesty that you displayed in the horse world. Thanks again,



January 29, 2013



I believe we've become fairly well acquainted and I'm confident that Beau is in good hands and his future is bright again as we await that special new owner to give him the attention he so deserves. Heartbreaking my world caved in and I was never able to fully enjoy or appreciate him but it is what it is. The important thing is that he is young and sound and as you've stated, a good boy. He is a sweetheart with a good head and a big heart- so willing to do well and please.

Sending you my best and thanking you again for helping me place this beautiful and magnificent horse in a wonderful home.



December 18, 2012



Hi Clare,

I LOVE Ranger (Juno)! He is the sweetest of all horses ever!

I would like to share pictures and videos of my new "buddy" with friends and family. Would you please email me copies of any pictures and videos that you have? Gracias!

You really do a great job with the video/music presentations. Would you please share with me the artist and song that you used in Ranger's (aka Juno) is really very nice and soothing music.

Clare, you are a superb at what you do! I really appreciate how perceptive and understanding you were about my "lack of confidence" since I had not ridden in a couple years. Ranger and I will get along just fine and we will take it slow getting to know one another. He was wormed today and started on a mix of grass and alfalfa (he gobbled up the alfalfa like it was candy!) and then was given some pelleted "complete nutrition" that we doused with flax seed oil to get him some extra calories. He has a look on his face that says, "OMG, this is so great! What's next?" We spent time bonding and we are getting his tack all set up just for him. We don't have any French snaffles, but I am ordering a couple.

It was such a pleasure doing business with you and we look forward to working with you in the near future.

Take Care (say hello to Bill)

Kind Regards,


November 12, 2012


Hello Again Clare,

...we would be very happy to have you and Amy assume care of beautiful Zip. She certainly appears to be thriving under your care and seems very settled at the ranch. I am confident that, given time, you can find an excellent home for Zip, and you can command a price that is appropriate for our girl.

Joel and I are so appreciative of your and Amy's professionalism, efforts and compassion. We look forward to talking with you soon. Let us know how you wish to proceed.

All the best,



November 1, 2012



Hello Clare,

We can't thank you and Amy enough for helping Joel and I out with our beautiful Zip. You are making a positive change in a wonderful horse's life by finding her a home more suitable for her athletic needs; she deserves the very best care, with someone who can love and ride her daily. Joel and I had no qualms about turning her over to your phenomenal care as she is clearly thriving. Let us know when you would like for us to stop by with her registration papers and sign any bill of sale, etc. to make it official. Also, I would like to write a glowing review to post to your web site; how is this done?

Congrats on finding little Skittles a home! Way to go girls!

My very best,



November 4, 2012



Clare: Thank you for sending the video yesterday of the beautiful pinto horse with the rider jumping with no saddle and bridle. I have been working on a deal to acquire more land for the rescue horses that I do up here in Kelseyville.I was feeling overwhelmed and questioning my decisions. Deep down in my heart I knew it was the right thing,but in my very logical head I was holding back. Then that video came from you and it was like a sign-All things are possible if you believe! I thought way back 44 years ago when I was showing my beautiful jumping horse at the prestigious Woodside horse park soaring over jumps and the feeling came back. The world I love. Now at 62 I can only have those memories and That video brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much. I knew I must go forward with my dream of buying the property to save these beautiful animals. Just wanted to share with you. And thank you for what you do in placing these wonderful horses with the right forever homes. There is a dire need for us all to continue in these hard times to take care of these wonderful creatures!


October 11, 2012



"Congratulations!!! They are lucky to have you.



September 27, 2012



Congrats on the new location. Annika has been very welcoming and the facility is great....I hope I will be able to provide you with numerous MORGANS to add to your list of fine equines available. -Joan Zeleny INDIANA RANCH MORGANS" 9-27-12

I believe that little wiz man can and will be a fun trail horse. He has had his life saved twice and I truly believe he wants to be good but is scared. I would love if he could eventually be ridden by children..????? so many trainers talk a big talk and seem like they are above everyone else. Thank you for being real, approachable and honest! I needed that push and just have been stuck since his last training. I am very happy to have met you and look forward to riding wizard without the fear of being bucked off. yay!



October 1, 2011


Congrats Clare. Yet again, good job!



September 27, 2012


Hooray, I am so happy for you. What a beautiful property for a beautiful person (re/WCS)! Keep us posted.



September 27, 2012




You have done such an amazing job. I can't believe how he ("Vintage") turned out.

Don't ever stop working with these guys, you have the touch.



September 12, 2012



Hi Clare,

the time will be 2:00 or 2:15 depending on traffic.Thank you for all the information,Vintage is the perfect one for me.


Sincerely, Megan (13 years old) I CAN'T WAIT!!!

September 7, 2012


"Hi Clare,

You've had a busy week!!

Congratulations on all your efforts - your positive attitude adds so much to the mix.

Thank you for seeing the quality in Corona - he's a great horse.

Thank you again for your help.



August 25, 2012



Hi Clare,

I was impressed with your website and positive, compassionate approach to training and sales, and it was great talking to you last night. Your rate schedule and commission are more than reasonable. Here's a short video and photo montage that a friend made for us last year with a 16 year old event rider on Corona. He's going even better now after a year and a half with Hester. Let's get him to you soon! I'd love to see him with a rider who will love him and enjoy his great heart and work ethic.



August 7, 2012



Great to get your emails. Princess Rhiana and I are doing great. Love her alot!! You guys do awesome work!!



July 8, 2012




My name is Heidi and I am interested in your horses. They all look super great!

My only concern is the price. I am almost 14 and I am outgrowing my 13.2 pony Honey.

I am into jumping, and eventing, but want to also do western. (which I have been doing

since I was 5) I have a "job" and am making about $200 every-other month. A lot of

your horses are very expensive but worth it! I was wondering if there was any way we

could negotiate the price to a little lower!

Thanks so much

Heidi Taylor

P.S.Clare you are an amazing rider!



Hi Clare; he (Putzmann aka Dexter), is doing wonderfully well. Settling in gaining weight and generally being a happy guy. Saw the chiropractor today and everything was out. May have caused his testiness. The ribs caused pain on girthing and still we had a great lesson. Any idea when his papers will come? Also have friends who may be looking if you get any like him in.

Thanks again


Gerri and Mr P

May 13, 2012



I am interested in placing a 6 yo AQHA mare with you for selling. She belonged to my daughter who is leaving the state to attend nursing school. She has (wisely) decided not to take her to school with her. I was hoping to keep this mare and slowly work her into my drill team, but I only have time to keep one "up to speed" and I am choosing my tried and true gelding.


The mare is cutting bred and has a keen interest in cattle. She has had two 30 day training sessions in her lifetime. Mostly we have been trail riding on her and have not competed. She is gentle, moves soft off the leg, trailers, ties, etc, etc.

I truly believe that she has lots of potential.


She is 14.2, Chestnut, one white sock and blaze, flaxen mane and tail. Over the past year I have sold my daughter's barrel horse, her roping horse and my "2nd horse". I am tired of the sales process and "entertaining" potential new owners that want a nice horse for free. A friend (Caryn) told me about your sales process and it sounds wonderfully refreshing.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,



May 10, 2012



Clare - Thank you for setting this up, I am very grateful. I also want to thank you for your help and especially your understanding. You really made this one of my happiest days. I know that Keno and I will have very many happy trails together.

I want to congratulate you on the articles, in Equine very impressive. I wish you all the very best in your business, you are a true professional, and it was a pleasure doing business with you.

I will let you know when Keno gets to his new home.




May 7, 2012



It looks like your business is thriving! Some time I'd love to check out the new place though I don;t travel up to Sonoma as ofter as I used to. I've thought about you often over the years and what wonderful work you did with both my boys (geldings) and with me. I've never found a better trainer...Abundant blessings!



April 29, 2012



Thanks again to you and Amy for all your hard work and taking such good care of Putzmann.

I'm glad you found a good match. Talk to you soon,



April 23, 2012



Great pictures......he (Putzmann) looks awesome! You and Amy have done wonders in such a short time!...



February 6, 2012



Thanks for all your hard work, I really appreciate it and will recommend you highly...

Great work, Clare, you are very very good at this. Great synopses.



February 3, 2012



Good News! Putzmann is on his way finally. (From Canada to CPHS).

I am very grateful that you have agreed to assist me with his sale. He's a great horse and will make someone an

excellent new partner.



Thank you for letting me know, Clare (that "Princess" was sold). I enjoyed meeting both you and Princess. I will take her out of my horse ponderings. I think you have done a great job with her in the short time you've had her. I was very impressed and liked her energy and personality. Happy trails,



January 16, 2012



First off I want to tell you both how much working with you has already served me here in Papigo, Greece. It'd been so long since I'd ridden, and the time I was under your tutelage reminded me of how much I get out of working with horses/riding, and got me jump-started on riding well again (and being around horses). Since being here I'm constantly reminding myself of what you pointed out to me and I think I'm a much better rider for it now.



January 14, 2012



Clare Long of Clarity Dressage is a most honorable and truthful seller. She carefully assesses both rider and horse to create a solid match for both. If she feels the horse is not right, Clare will tell you honestly. And Christine is correct, Clare is most trustworthy.


Laura Ponter

January 4, 2012



Clare- Hey! Sounds like you continue to be busy with your good work! We continue to be horse-less... My recent thought was to look for a retired dressage schoolmaster who still might have some good years left if he/she were well cared for and not worked too hard or shown. Maybe a free lease if I picked up all expenses (vet, board, training)? Anyway, let me know of if you have a line anything like that. I would be happy to have the horse in training with you so the owner would know it was in good hands! Have a wonderful holiday!



December 23, 2011



Hi Clare, thank you for all your hard work with Princeton. I really, really appreciate you and Amy helping out with him, and helping to ensure that he ends up in the right hands. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2012. Here's to hoping Princeton finds his new mom soon. Looking forward to hearing from you soon,



December 15, 2011



I appreciate what you are doing for the horses, this is the highest form of compassion and action I can imagine, trying to make a happy difference with these amazing beings.



December 8, 2011



I have read some of your articles, and I must say that you are a great journalist, as well as a good rider and horse-woman. Congratulations. I repeat my invitation to come and stay with us some days.

Have a nice day, and all the best.


(Director of Epona Centro Equestre, Seville, Spain)

December 2, 2011



I couldn't have asked for a better reintroduction to horsemanship and riding than I got with you and Amy. I certainly couldn't have gotten a better volunteer position, with more hands-on work and time to observe and learn. Clarity Performance Horse Sales (and the new offshoot, Clarity Performance Horses' lessons!) are both great endeavors and I'm happy I got to be a part of it for a little while! Thank you so much for being patient and so warm, and thank Amy for being a great role model and always friendly.

Please give the horses all a good petting for me! And I'd love to be kept on your email list and stay in touch with what CPHS is up to. Certainly when I'm back (from Greece), I'd love to reconnect as well!

Talk to you soon,



January 2, 2012


Best of luck to you and Amy, and thank you again so much for this volunteer position: I loved it!



November 28, 2011



Congratulations on a good job showing and finding buyer for Cristof... I have the utmost respect and appreciation for your and Amy's equine expertise. Again, many many thanks. Sincerely,



November 28, 2011



I rode Rascal in the round pen because the arena was being used. He was just amazing! Love that boy! I used wizard's bridle and my tack and he did great. He responded very well to my bit and when I said whoa I used very little rein if none at all. I think the bit is a great fit for him. LOVE HIM!!!!!



November 9, 2011



I'm so glad to hear he's (Cristof) working hard and trying. Will you and Amy be working with the horses on Saturday or Sunday? Those are my next days off. I love watching you work with him in the arena. Let me know. I'm also available at 4:00 on most weekdays. Let me know. Thanks so much for taking him under your wings.



November 8, 2011



Yes, I have thought about it and would like for Cristof to have a forever home - - with someone who is his partner, who can ride him and take him on trail rides. You can take him today. The pasture where he's at, I don't feel the shelter is adequate so the sooner the better. I'd like to check on him occasionally at Stable Acres and see his stall if that's ok. Refresh my memory on what the financial setup is. Thanks a million. Cristof has a lot of riding left in him. He's 11, this is a prime time.



October 30, 2011



Hi, Clare - just an update. Bamako and Prinz are in Ft. Lupton (just north of Denver) - so I am getting a quote from that location from Nationwide. I will probably send one the first time -especially since you are needing to make room - then when he sells, send 2 if you have room then. I will let you know when, and which horse - but it will be in 10-15 days when I would schedule the trip. I am having the vet look at Bamako next week to make sure we are good to go. My trainer, Kim is going down to take a look at Bamako today, so I will have more news a little later. If he isn't ready, I will send Prinz.

It's time to move some horses. I have confidence in your program.

The order would be:

1. Bamako

2. Prinz (maybe also Lyric)

3. Escapade (after Kim puts 90 days on him)

4. Presence (after Kim puts 90 days on her)

5. Espirit (next spring - if we have moved the others and he hasn't sold)

6. Ria - 2nd level dressage trained/broodmare (has had 2 foals), age 14

After that it is a few more of the broodmares, and then we have to wait for yearlings (2010 group) to grow up.

I will talk to you soon, and really appreciate all your help.



October 29, 2011



Thank you for your great work and time with Wizard. He is such a fun pony and I look forward to riding and working with him this week. I feel very confident moving forward after today's lesson. Thank you again for your time, talents and honesty. I will be working hard on my new rider position. YOU AND AMY ARE THE BEST!!!! TRULY THE BEST!!!!!!



October 29, 2011



Wow, Clare....thank you. I certainly didn’t expect that. I started back into horses when my beloved mastiff was diagnosed stage 3 cancer. He passed on Friday. Even if you aren't able to locate what I'm dreaming of, your offer of help is a kindness I appreciate right now. ...My dream is a Percheron (2nd a shire).... But where ever I end up I want a horse that can trail with me in... I am restarting riding after many years off but I do have a mentor with many years exp & a trainer to work with.

Let me know if more info would help. Thank you so very much! Sincerely,



October 26, 2011


Clare, you have no idea how happy my heart is right now! I did not go in with any expectations and I

heard people talking but did not listen. How amazing was his transformation!

He was brave, excited, proud and happy. I love that little pony since I first met his skinny, scared self. I have been wanting

to show him so many things together under saddle and until now it was not an option.

Thank you for helping me and for showing Wizard that he is safe, loved and treasured. My heart is full and I am thrilled!




October 23, 2011



Clare, I just want to say thank you for your instruction. You are giving me exactly what I've always felt I needed - work on my position and my riding, not just "make your horse do this". Sorry I'll miss the next lesson, but I went home and made notes, so I'll keep practicing. Thank you!!!!



October 16, 2011



Clare it's BEAUTIFUL! I love it! Great job on the website. As soon as I can, I'll start sending you horses, one at at time till they are sold! Like you said, I have so many nice ones and I just need to get the TRAFFIC to move them! What you're providing is amazing.



October 9, 2011



On a separate note, I would love to help you guys out with other horses while I am there to see "Princeton",

if you need an extra hand. I really appreciate that you guys are willing to dedicate time to his rehab and

if I can be of any assistance while I am out there please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you,



October 7, 2011



Maria sent me a text to say how nice you looked with wizard under saddle. I am so excited to see the brave side of my little wiz man. I would like to have you work with him on Monday using my tack to make sure it fits properly and that it is not an issue for him. I can not thank you enough for your time and for helping wizard through his issues. I am eager to start enjoying him under saddle. When I have enough funds I would like to have you work with Dakota (the paint). I would love to have him to ride as well.



October 9, 2011



Sorry to bother you but I am eager to see if wizard did good for you today and if he made any progress.

Thank you for your time and talents :)



October 4, 2011



Clare, thank you for your time.

It was good to meet with you today. I feel that the sale of Rascal is in good hands! As for photos of Rascal, the very best photos were the four attached with the email I sent Jodi, were they no longer attached? Let me know what I can do to help.



October 1, 2011



OH MY GOD! After reading your website, I'm going to amend my statement that "I don't care where the rest of my horses go.." to "I don't care what DISCIPLINE the next owners should choose for my sale horses.. but I DO care TO WHOM THEY GO!!" You are a saint.. don't think I could do it...



September 30, 2011



Aloha Clare, Hina ("Glory") and I had a great ride yesterday, along the easement behind our house and up the road, accompanied by Bruce on the quad. She is now familiar with foals, sheep, goats, cows, donkeys, pheasants, wild turkeys … making lots of progress! Mahalo,



September 19, 2011



Aloha Clare, You’ll be pleased to know that Glorious (now known to us as Hina, means “misty” in Hawaiian) has settled down nicely in her new surroundings on the Big Island. The first couple of months were a little tough as she faced living outdoors, meeting sheep, goats and strange birds, and getting used to completely new scenery. But she’s much mellower now and we’ve become good friends!



August 23, 2011



Hi Clare, I LOVE my new pony!!!! I've had a few easy lessons with him, and what a STAR!!!!

He is all settled in and bonding with the other horses. Thx so much for your honesty in just who Mason is,

and tell the old owners he is very much loved!



August 7, 2011



Anyway I've been reading your blog and it's wonderful. I was wondering how you are doing? My vet and farrier think Luxie just looks amazing right now, he is sooo wonderfully filled out and muscular and is just a lamb for me (most of the time hehe). I finally purchased a new trailer for him and he just pops right in now no questions asked (it took some patience and training though lol) I can't wait to start really competing with him. We are getting ready to start working with our new trainer. Luxie has a girl friend named Laptop, and hates it when she is taken out. He is so funny. As you said he definitely forms a strong attachment to his owner. He knows my cars and comes running up to me as soon as he sees me and whinny's and piaffes and makes such a fuss. He is quite the character. When I am done riding I always give him a massage and most of the time he either just falls asleep on me or lets me know when I hit the right spot and goes ahhhhh. needless to say he lives the good life. Everyone in the barn thinks he is just magnificent and such a ham. Life has been crazy busy (as it always is with munchkins, and life in general ha!) I can't thank you enough for Luxie and the blessing he has been to me and in my life. I feel like he is my gift from God. I know we make each other very happy :) Also, I am purchasing a new double bridle for Lux and was wondering about the specific bits you used for him for this. Hope all is well with you. Just wanted to drop you a line.



Kim and Luxie

April 28, 2011

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