(The Power of Treats):
"But mostly what I want to show you guys is the power of treats.
I love the Mrs. Pastures Horse Cookies. I feel like they're the best cookies on the market.
Yes, they're a little more expensive, but I think they're the best tasting cookies on the market and the horses love them.
They're very easy to work with.
They don't go bad like apples and carrots.
When I first start bridling these guys, I give them the two Mrs. Pastures Cookies, and then I put the bridle on.
What happens after a couple weeks or a short period of time is that the horse or pony equates the bit with cookies and they can't wait, they can't wait to put that bit in their mouth.
They love the bit because they equate it with cookies.
Now, eventually you can stop giving them the cookies if you want, because the training's already been done and they can't wait to open their mouth for the bit.
But I like to sweeten the deal.
So my guys do get two Mrs. Pastures Horse Cookies when I put their bridles on.
So here we go for the beginning of our little bridle section.
For bridling, just pop the halter off and give him two cookies.
Just let him chew for a moment.
I'm going to show you different ways of putting the bridle on, but I want you to see the power of the cookies.
Because of the cookies, you can just dangle the bit in front of their mouth and they just take it.
It's marvelous because you have a horse or a pony that looks forward to the bit, and all of you, I'm positive, have run up against horses and ponies that won't take a bit.
In a minute, I'm going to show you what I call the baby horse style of putting a bridle on and that will help you so much with the horses that don't want to take a bit.
But if you give them the two cookies and they have that idea in their head, you can just hover the bit in front of their mouth and they just gobble up the bit and it becomes a really, really good experience.
I'm going to do it with the rest of my four sale horses for you guys today, just so that you can see it's not just Twirl.
All of my guys take the bit like that.
Even my horses that come to me and won't take a bit, after I work with them for a couple weeks, they can't wait to take the bit."
(Wiggly pony, being obnoxious because I have cookies in my hand):
"This is my newest pony in training to sell. The reason he is wiggling so much is because I have treats in this hand and he knows it; so that's why he's wiggling around so much. So I'll give him an excuse for how much he's wiggling around right now because of the treats in this hand. Sorry, he's looking for the treats. He has to wait. I usually don't have the treats in my hand because they do this, but in preparation for the video segment I'm about to do on bridling, I did put it in my hand. Just a heads up you guys, I would not put treats in your hand because they do this. I don't even put treats in my pocket because they do this. Now, I know he's being obnoxious. Don't think I don't know that he's being obnoxious. That's my fault because I have the cookies in my hand. Normally I wouldn't, I would have walked in, I would have given him the cookies, pulled the halter off, put the bridle on, but instead I got distracted and talked all about Mr. Twirl." (Introducing Twirl):
"Let me introduce Mr. Twirl. Twirl is my newest edition. He's been here about half a month, about two weeks. He's precious as you can see. He's a pony. He's about 14 hands. He's about 10 years old. He is a blue roan pinto pony. He's a grade pony, he's ranch bred. You'll see he has a brand. He has a brand on his shoulder, so he was clearly what we call ranch bred. But he's unregistered, gosh only knows what he is. I'll tell you guys what I think he is from looking at him. What I think he is breed-wise, when you watch him go, you haven't seen him go yet, but when you watch him go, he presents himself with a very high neck and he's actually a really, really big sport pony mover. He's actually an excellent mover. Often these ponies are mediocre movers. This thing moves like a Performance Pony. That, with the way he presents himself really uphill, I see Hackney pony. So I think there's a little Hackney pony in him. I think there's some Paint, and he's ranch bred so I'm assuming Paint. Also, I think there's some Welsh pony in him. My guess is, he's probably a little bit of Hackney pony, a little bit of Welsh pony and some Paint horse. Also, he came from Texas and so the Paint horse part fits into that as well. That's what we're thinking he is breed-wise. He's adorable. He is precious. He's perfect. He came as a gymkhana Western rodeo trail, I-can-do-anything-with-any-child pony. Long mane. He was a Western pony, Western, run around, gymkhana, everything pony. I have pictures to prove it. They're fabulous. You'll see that when I run his full ad in a couple weeks. But we decided to turn him into a fancy schmancy English pony. Because of his movement, he's a super fantastic mover, because I have a picture of him jumping in a Western saddle and even in the Western saddle with a kid that's probably never jumped before, his front legs are really [typey 00:05:10] and up and even and beautiful. His form over fences was gorgeous. He came with the name Apache, but Apache feels like a Western pony. I wanted to give him a more English name to go along with his new persona. So because of his forehead, can you see he's got a whirl here that I thought looked like a cyclone, so I thought about calling him Cyclone, but the connotations are not good. Then I thought about calling him Whirl, but even those connotations aren't great, because you don't really want a pony whirling out from under your child. And so instead I named him Twirl. His name is Twirl, which I love. I think it suits him beautifully. I think it's a great pony name. His owner, his current owner who's selling him, loves it. So this is Mr. Twirl."